A Common Case Of Whiplash

 Imagine this scenario. You're in your car stopped at red light, preparing for an opening so that you can turn right. Just as you're about to turn, you are jerked forward in your seat belt as another car fails to stop and slams into your back bumper. Fender benders like this happen all the time in a variety of different situations. In many cases, no one is seriously injured. However, the next day you may wake up with a very sore neck that is so painful it may be difficult to move it. It may last for a couple of uncomfortable days.


Whiplash is one of the most common results of a fender bender. Even in a car accident with no serious injuries, whiplash is likely to happen. The exact cause of whiplash has yet to be pinpointed, but doctors believe that it may be caused by the impulsive stretching of the spine that happens when your neck is forced forward. That sudden movement in your neck may cause the anterior longitudinal ligament in your spine to stretch or tear, which is considered the cause of the stiffness and soreness in the neck after an accident.

Fortunately, in most cases of mild whiplash the stiffness will disappear after only a couple of days. However, if the pain persists longer than a few days then you should consult a doctor or chiropractor. You may need further treatment. A licensed chiropractor can decide which treatment is best for your neck and will help your body heal correctly.

For More Info:-Disc Herniation Calgary

Spinal Decompression Therapy Calgary


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